Fat Burning – Transforming Fitness https://transforming-fitness.com Transforming Fitness, Bodybuilding and Sport Sat, 19 Sep 2020 21:42:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.4.10 https://transforming-fitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/cropped-transformingfitness-ico-32x32.png Fat Burning – Transforming Fitness https://transforming-fitness.com 32 32 How many calories you burn in a day https://transforming-fitness.com/how-many-calories-you-burn-in-a-day/ https://transforming-fitness.com/how-many-calories-you-burn-in-a-day/#respond Sat, 19 Sep 2020 21:24:56 +0000 http://transforming-fitness.com/?p=1486 10 daily activities that help you lose weight without even knowing it! All of us watching our weight or trying to shake off a few pounds know the basic rule of weight loss: burn more calories than you consume. But between the temptations you’re trying not to give into and...

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10 daily activities that help you lose weight without even knowing it!

All of us watching our weight or trying to shake off a few pounds know the basic rule of weight loss: burn more calories than you consume. But between the temptations you’re trying not to give into and the disappointing calorie count when you get off the treadmill drenched in sweat, you can’t help but wonder: “how am I ever going to get there?”. But we have good news – everything you do burns calories!

How many calories you burn in a day depends on your weight and level of activity – for instance, a heavier person will burn more calories during the same activity performed by a skinnier person (they also require a greater calorie intake), and so would a person with an active job, like a construction worker or a waitress.

When your goal is to lose weight, however, you need to crank it up a notch. But what happens when you don’t have time to hit the gym? Even if you’re not a workout junkie, you can still shave off some calories just by performing regular daily activities. Find out below how many calories you burn in a day doing mundane tasks, such as brushing your teeth or washing the dishes!


This is a no-brainer for homemakers everywhere: household work can really make you break a sweat. Washing dishes, vacuuming, dusting, mopping the floor, ironing and folding clothes are things some of us do every day, and more often than not, we profoundly resent them. Next time you’re doing household chores and thinking about all the other things you’d rather be doing, think of some 140 calories you could burn in just an hour of cleaning the house.


Pushing or carrying around a shopping cart full of groceries is no easy task – especially the part where you have to carry them home and put them away in their designed places. An hour of grocery shopping can burn up to 90 calories while stocking the fridge or pantry with the purchased items will get rid of 26 extra calories per 15 minutes. Also, the same goes for clothes shopping – so shop ‘til you drop.


Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for your health: it gives you better skin, increased productivity, and surprise, surprise – it can help you lose weight. A night of good eight-hour sleep can shave off up to 500 calories!

How many calories you burn in a day depends on how much REM sleep you get (also known as deep-sleep, where dreams occur) – without it, you won’t get the rest you need and your body won’t be able to recharge properly. Also, sleeping in a cool environment can help you burn even more because your body uses energy to warm itself up. However, be careful not to eat or drink alcohol right before bed – it slows down your metabolism.

Personal grooming

If you’re the kind of person that spends too much time in the bathroom or in front of the mirror, there may be an upside to it. Taking a shower, brushing your teeth, doing your hair, even putting on makeup takes energy, especially if you’re standing or moving around a lot. An hour of grooming burns about 68 calories, while a 15-minute shower shaves off an additional 17 calories.


Carrying a conversation is not as passive as you might think, especially if you’re standing, pacing around or gesturing a lot. Moreover, many of us multitask while we’re on the phone, which can add to the energy you spend during the activity. Talking for an hour, while standing or moving around burns about 54 calories, so next time your mom calls you to ask what you’re doing with your life, consider biting the bullet – a heated conversation will increase your heart rate, which burns even more calories.

Playing with your little one(s)

When we say “little ones”, we refer to any little troublemakers you might have in your house – this includes both children and pets (goldfish and tarantulas probably don’t count). Spending time playing and taking care of them isn’t just fun and rewarding – it can also be quite the workout. Throwing a ball around, giving them a bath, grooming them, feeding them, changing them – all of these burn calories, and bring joy to everyone in the house. Joining your little ones for an hour of playtime can help you burn up to 100 calories, so give them the attention they deserve.


Eating healthy isn’t always fun, especially since you have to spend more time in the kitchen than you’d like. But the good part is that while you’re slicing and dicing, blending and mixing, you’re actually using up some of the energy you’ll get from that meal. One hour of cooking can burn up to 70 calories, more if you’re multitasking or moving around a lot.


Making out isn’t just for teenagers – physical affection not only improves your general mood and builds intimacy with your partner, but you can make it into an actual workout. A passionate, active session of smooching can burn up to 60 calories in an hour, more if you include petting and rolling around. Try new positions and think sexy thoughts – this will amp up your heart rate and make you burn even more.


When walking from point A to point B just isn’t feasible, driving can be a not too shabby substitute. While riding the bus or taking the subway does next to nothing, driving a car for an hour can burn about 68 calories. That being said, you should always be a responsible driver – don’t drink alcohol before getting behind the wheel, and don’t perform other activities that could distract you while driving, such as talking on the phone, drinking coffee or smoking.

Desk work

Even if you have a sedentary job, which involves sitting at a desk, writing or using the computer, don’t despair – you’re burning calories just by reading this article! In fact, an hour of desk work, such as typing, studying or writing can burn up to 54 calories. Multiply that by the number of hours you spend at work every day, and you’ve really got something!

Note: The values provided in this article are for a person weighing 150 lbs – a person who weighs less will burn less, and a person who weighs more, will burn more. How many calories you burn in a day also depends on your age, sex, and metabolism.

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Top 5 easy anti-cellulite exercises to try this summer https://transforming-fitness.com/top-5-easy-anti-cellulite-exercises-to-try-this-summer/ https://transforming-fitness.com/top-5-easy-anti-cellulite-exercises-to-try-this-summer/#respond Sat, 19 Sep 2020 20:47:53 +0000 http://transforming-fitness.com/?p=1462 Make cellulite a thing of the past! Now that we’re in full-blown swimsuit season, extra pounds and unsightly cellulite have no business making us feel self-conscious and ruining our holiday mood. Get your body bikini-ready with these 5 easy anti-cellulite exercises that you can do every day, in the comfort...

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Make cellulite a thing of the past!

Now that we’re in full-blown swimsuit season, extra pounds and unsightly cellulite have no business making us feel self-conscious and ruining our holiday mood. Get your body bikini-ready with these 5 easy anti-cellulite exercises that you can do every day, in the comfort of your own home!

Summertime means vacation, fun and dreams of exotic islands with sandy beaches and refreshing waters. But for many of us, summer also brings about the anxiety and pressure of getting into shape and looking our best in that summer dress or swimsuit we had our eye on. To that end, we have put together a list of the best, easiest and most effective anti-cellulite exercises, so that you can enjoy your vacation and feel good about yourself.

The butterfly plank

This exercise works pretty much every muscle group: your thighs, your legs, your glutes, your abs and your arms. But, most importantly, it works your inner-thighs, which are harder to engage in classic legs & thighs exercises.

You start in a classic plank position, resting on your forearms and keeping your back straight and in line with the rest of your body. Place two pieces of paper under your toes (you can skip this step if you have slippery floors and wear socks for this exercise), and slowly spread your legs apart as far as you can by gliding on the floor, and bring them back together. Do as many reps as you can in 30 seconds, rest, and then do another set.

The frog crunch

Lie on your stomach, your arms and legs spread apart like a frog. Keeping your abs tight, raise your arms and legs from the ground simultaneously, hold for a few seconds, and then come back down. Do about 30 reps, and then hold the position for 30 seconds.

This exercise works wonders for your hamstrings and glutes, and it also engages your abs and back muscles.

The spring & squat

Start from a classic squat position, with your thighs parallel to the ground and your back nice and straight. As you come up from the squat, raise your right leg and kick it back as high as you can, aiming to touch your buttock with your heel. Go back into the squat, and repeat the movement with your left leg. Once you get used to the motion, speed it up a bit and add a little spring to your step to get your blood flowing and burn more calories.

This exercise is great because it’s easy to do and it works all of your leg muscles. If you want an extra challenge, perform the same exercise using ankle weights.

The tabletop leg-raise

Get in a simple tabletop position – on all fours, with your back straight and your abs engaged. Raise your right leg, bending it so that at the top of the movement your thigh is parallel to the ground. You can do a regular leg raise on each leg, for 30 reps, or, for an extra challenge, you can keep your working leg in the top position and thrust it upwards as if you were trying to kick the ceiling with your heel.

This exercise is perfect for you if you can’t (or won’t) do squats, because it engages all the same muscles, with special focus on your glutes and hamstrings.

The candle thrust

While lying on your back, put your legs together and raise them straight up in the air, imagining your ankles are tied together and pulled up towards the ceiling. Lay your hands on your sides for support, and thrust upwards for 30 seconds, without touching the ground between reps.

This exercise is perfect for those with bad knees or joint problems, because it takes the weight and pressure off of them, while still working those glutes, legs, and abs.

If you want to include other anti-cellulite exercises in your routine, remember to choose exercises that target the problem-areas where cellulite likes to nest: thighs, legs and buttocks.

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How to get rid of cellulite https://transforming-fitness.com/how-to-get-rid-of-cellulite/ https://transforming-fitness.com/how-to-get-rid-of-cellulite/#respond Tue, 15 Sep 2020 21:01:21 +0000 http://transforming-fitness.com/?p=1476 5 useful tips for a summer-ready body Orange-peel, cottage cheese, plain old unsightly lumps – whatever you want to call it, cellulite is like a fact of life: almost everyone will have it at some point in their lives. And though the media is trying to convince you you’re the...

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5 useful tips for a summer-ready body

Orange-peel, cottage cheese, plain old unsightly lumps – whatever you want to call it, cellulite is like a fact of life: almost everyone will have it at some point in their lives. And though the media is trying to convince you you’re the only not-perfect one out there, cellulite doesn’t discriminate: famous or not, fat or skinny, young or old, it affects us all the same. The question is: what can we do about it?

Cellulite is a tough one to beat – first off, it’s genetic. Second of all, it has more to do with the way fat is stored than with the actual amount of fat you have in your body: as fat cells get engorged, they put pressure on the connective tissue around them, deforming collagen layers and thus creating the wavy appearance you see on the surface of the skin.

In a nutshell: you know how they say “beauty is skin-deep”? Well, cellulite actually goes deeper than that, so forget about magical creams and serums that promise to melt away the cellulite. So, the question remains: how to get rid of cellulite?

Below you can find 5 tips on how to get rid of cellulite that actually have a shot at working, so before you decide to never put on a swimsuit again, give these a try!

1. Burn and tone

Cellulite is basically a fat gone rogue, so the best way to get rid of cellulite is to burn off that extra fat. Cardio exercises, such as running or swimming are your best bet to slash fat deposits and improve the appearance of problem areas.

But if you really want to see a difference, you’ll need to build some muscle, too. Growing muscle stretches out the skin, significantly reducing visible cellulite. Strong and toned muscles also burn more calories, which eventually leads to a lower fat count. Focus on exercises targeting your problem areas: legs, thighs, abdomen, and buttocks.

2. Massage

If done properly and regularly, anti-cellulite massages can be effective against the orange-peel appearance. However, keep in mind that a proper anti-cellulite massage isn’t as pleasant and relaxing as a regular massage – it can be quite painful, actually. The increased pressure is necessary to get the flood flowing in the deeper layers of the skin and gradually smooth out the lumpy tissue.

3. Improve circulation

Fat-burning hormones travel like everything else in our body – through the bloodstream. In areas where we naturally store more fat (which are also the areas preferred by cellulite), such as the thighs and buttocks, circulation is poorer, because blood vessels are smaller and compressed further by the excess fat. So, it is fair to assume that in order to get rid of cellulite, we need to improve blood flow to the respective areas.

Improving circulation can be achieved in many ways: being physically active (even walking counts!), drinking coffee (caffeine widens blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more easily), taking alternating cold/hot showers, avoiding extremely tight clothing, and so on.

4. Exfoliate

No, you can’t exfoliate fat away, no matter how hard you try. But exfoliating gels and creams, as well as luffas and sponges, stimulate local circulation and can have similar benefits to a low-impact massage. Exfoliating regularly can also make the skin appear brighter and healthier, contributing to an overall improvement in appearance.

5. Give up unhealthy habits

That includes smoking, alcohol, not getting enough sleep, eating junk food, and sitting at your desk all day. The mechanics behind them are complex, but, in a nutshell:

smoking builds up toxins in your body, and messes with your metabolism and hormones; it does suppress appetite, but your body eventually adjusts to the new rhythm and before you know it, nicotine won’t be enough to sustain your “happy” state, and cravings will start to appear, to pick up the slack. Never mind that it causes premature aging and makes your skin worse, with or without cellulite;

excess alcohol consumption leads to dehydration, bloating and water retention, and it packs a hefty caloric intake, which adds up in time;

sleeping is very important for many processes in your body, including weight loss; sleeping burns calories, and without it you will put on weight which will aggravate the appearance of cellulite;

junk food and processed foods, in general, are problematic because of their saturated fat content (i.e. the “bad” fat that sets up camp on your hips and thighs) and large amounts of salt, which we know encourages water retention and makes us appear heavier than we actually are. Moreover, processed and refined foods are digested quickly, burning next to no calories in the process, and they don’t keep you full for longer, which leads to more unhealthy eating., which in turn leads to more fat and more cellulite.

If you want to know how to get rid of cellulite, the truth is there is no sure-fire way. Every person is different and so are their bodies – they react and adapt differently. But if you change your lifestyle and follow these 5 steps religiously, you will certainly notice a positive change, not only in the appearance of cellulite but in your entire body.

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Home gym equipment https://transforming-fitness.com/home-gym-equipment/ https://transforming-fitness.com/home-gym-equipment/#respond Wed, 26 Aug 2020 21:27:26 +0000 http://transforming-fitness.com/?p=1490 5 basics for at-home workouts While going to the gym 3 times a week is something you tell yourself you’re going to do every other month, there are always excuses: it’s too expensive, too far, you feel self-conscious in front of other people, etc. But what if you brought the...

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5 basics for at-home workouts

While going to the gym 3 times a week is something you tell yourself you’re going to do every other month, there are always excuses: it’s too expensive, too far, you feel self-conscious in front of other people, etc. But what if you brought the gym to you instead?

Working out isn’t fun for everyone. Besides the extra pounds we constantly obsess over, some of us deal with all sorts of fears and insecurities, which can make going to the gym daunting and intimidating. If the gym is a no-go for you, here are 5 pieces of home gym equipment to help you set up a comfortable, yet efficient weight loss environment.

A set of dumbbells

Dumbbells are the most accessible pieces of home gym equipment you can include in your fitness regimen. They add variation and difficulty to your exercises, depending on their size and weight. They come in sets of two, weighing between 5 and 100 pounds each, and exercises are performed holding one in each hand.

Using dumbbells helps you work out your upper body strength, as well as engaging multiple muscle groups at a time. As a beginner, you should start with lighter weights and work your way up.

Gym mat

A good gym mat is a necessity for any home-athlete in the making – “love the pain” doesn’t refer to back injuries and carpet burns. You can find them in a variety of sizes, colors, and designs. The most popular varieties are yoga mats, which are thin and compact and made of rubber and latex. They are quite versatile, but they can be quite pricy.

Pick your gym mat according to your budget and available space, as well as the type of workout you’re going for – but don’t spend too much money on this item, it’s not going to burn calories for you.

Jump rope

The jump rope is a fun and useful addition to your home gym equipment – it’s also cheap, compact and easy to use. Jump rope exercises make for great cardio, they improve balance and coordination and they also bring back some childhood nostalgia. You can find them at any department store – the ones you find at gym equipment stores can be more expensive.

Ankle weights

Ankle weights are great for those who prefer jogging, cycling or even dancing – they increase the level of difficulty without hindering mobility, and they are much safer to use than other free weights (it’s harder to drop an ankle weight on your foot than a kettlebell). They are also quite versatile, as they can be used both indoors and outdoors, depending on your preference.

Make sure you adjust them properly so that they fit snuggly and comfortably on your feet and keep them (and all other home gym equipment) clean.

Resistance band

In the absence of complex workout machines, a resistance band is a perfect addition to your home gym. They are among the cheapest home workout equipment, but also the most versatile – they can be used for both your upper and lower body, including arms, legs, and chest.

You can find them in a wide variety of colors, designs, and resistance levels, which can make you break more or less of a sweat.

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Winter workouts https://transforming-fitness.com/winter-workouts/ https://transforming-fitness.com/winter-workouts/#respond Sun, 19 Jul 2020 21:39:43 +0000 http://transforming-fitness.com/?p=1497 5 simple ab exercises you can do at home Wintertime can be a bit of a challenge: taking long walks isn’t an option anymore in the freezing cold and with the holidays coming up, our Christmas cravings start to emerge – gingerbread, hot cocoa, and delicious comfort food. How do...

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5 simple ab exercises you can do at home

Wintertime can be a bit of a challenge: taking long walks isn’t an option anymore in the freezing cold and with the holidays coming up, our Christmas cravings start to emerge – gingerbread, hot cocoa, and delicious comfort food. How do you stay in shape during winter? Try this 5-step workout program to keep your abs toned and firm under your favorite reindeer sweater.

“W” leg raises

Lie flat on your back and raise your legs straight in the air, right over your hips. Bring them down and as you get close to the ground, spread them apart and raise them upwards, as if you were making a slightly rounded “w” line with your legs. Bring them down again and do 20 repetitions. Make sure your back is flat on the ground the entire time and only spread your legs as far as you feel comfortable.

Front plank

You’re probably already familiar with the plank, which engages both your abs and your buttocks. Get into a normal push-up position, only in this case you will be supporting yourself on your forearms. Maintain the position for 50 seconds.

Frog-legs crunches

Lie on your back as you would for regular crunches, only this time you will bring the soles of your feet together and stick your knees out, as if you were trying to applaud using your feet. Raise your back slowly off the floor, keeping your abs engaged and bring your knees up too, as if you were folding yourself in half. Do 15 repetitions.

Figure “4” leg raises

This one sounds more complicated than it actually is. Lie on your back and bend one of your knees, resting that foot on your other leg, making a figure “4” shape with your legs. Lift your legs up over your hips and bring them back down, as close to the ground as you can. Remember to keep your back flat on the floor, your neck relaxed and your abs tight. Do 15 repetitions.

Leg raise toe taps

Lie back and prop yourself up on your elbows, raising your legs up at about 45° degrees from the ground. Bend one knee at a time, briefly tapping the ground with your toes, keeping your thighs completely flat and your abs contracted. This exercise is great for your legs and thighs, as well as your waistline. Do 30 repetitions.

After you’re done with all the exercises, take a 1-2 minute break, and then start over with another set. Focus on maintaining the correct form and posture, rather than speeding through the exercises and stop if you start feeling any kind of pain. Reward yourself with a warm cup of tea after you’re finished.

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Free Fitness Programs Can Make It Happen https://transforming-fitness.com/free-fitness-programs-can-make-it-happen/ https://transforming-fitness.com/free-fitness-programs-can-make-it-happen/#respond Fri, 10 Jul 2020 14:08:06 +0000 http://transforming-fitness.com/?p=1228 Looking for some free fitness programs that really work? Once you know that you want to get into great shape and work hard to either lose fat, gain muscle or both, it’s important to be able to take the next step accordingly.   Having motivation or a desire to do...

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Looking for some free fitness programs that really work? Once you know that you want to get into great shape and work hard to either lose fat, gain muscle or both, it’s important to be able to take the next step accordingly.


Having motivation or a desire to do something is good, but it’s not enough. You need specific strategies and plans to help you succeed.

Right here you’ll be able to find a huge range of free workout and fitness programs designed to match your specific goals and desires, and you’ll be able to get into great shape in no time.

You don’t want to go to the gym and wander around aimlessly, not knowing what to do. If you’re working out at home, you don’t want to end up with a random collection of gear and equipment that you don’t even use.

Instead, what you really need are the specific plans, steps, exercises and complete workouts and programs that will enable you to reach new heights.

In this way, you’ll be able to use your time much more efficiently, and you’ll simply be far more successful with your efforts at the gym. Knowing what to do, how to do it, why you need to be doing certain things and not others and more will make all the difference in the world for you and your fitness program.

Personalized Programs

You’ll also be able to find specific free fitness programs designed to match your needs and goals.

That means if you want to lose weight and burn as many calories as possible per session, you’ll be able to find the right program and exercises to accomplish that. If you want to burn fat but also tone up your muscles, you’ll be able to see what will be a good match as well.

You’ll also be able to find a variety of programs based on building muscle mass and strength. It’s also worth noting that different strength training workouts can be geared towards different results.

You might be most concerned with adding functional strength, or you might be most concerned with adding size, or improving on how much you can lift.

The bottom line is that no matter what kind of workout program you’re looking for and no matter what kind of goals you have, you’ll be able to find a program that has been carefully planned and tailored to those needs for optimal results.

Keep Up With New Material

You should also sign up for our free fitness programs newsletter which will allow you to get new and innovative workout programs sent right to your email inbox.

This is a great way to keep up on the latest trends, and to always get exclusive access to fresh, fun and creative workouts which will help you achieve your goals and stay focused and dedicated at the gym.

Plus, you’ll be able to print up these free fitness programs and take them with you to the gym. It’s one thing to read about something and then try to follow some of the ideas when you are ready to actually workout, but having everything right in front of you in an easy to follow format will make it as simple and easy as possible to follow along, complete the entire program, see superior results, and so forth.

You won’t have to try to guess what you were supposed to do, and you’ll always be able to check to see if you’re doing things in the right order or completing an exercise with the right form.

Basic Preparation And Advanced Action

Then, you can take things up to a higher level with our advanced, paid workout programs.

These will really help you to fine-tune your program and see the best possible gains regardless of your experience level, age, sex, background or specific goals.

We’ll help you to accomplish your greatest fitness successes, and you’ll have fun, get into great shape, learn new things and more along the way.

Dig Into It

So whoever you are and whatever you’re looking to do, we’ll have what you need to get started right here.

Utilize our free workout programs to learn how to attack any fitness challenge and get into the best shape of your life.

Sign up for our free fitness programs newsletter to receive new, fresh workouts in your inbox all the time.

And don’t forget to check out our advanced, paid training programs too.

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